Monday, October 20, 2008

Humble Themselves

2 Chronicles 7:12-22 (The Message) God appeared to Solomon that very night and said, "I accept your prayer; yes, I have chosen this place as a temple for sacrifice, a house of worship.

Currently everyone at Onething is sacrificing their gift in the area of music. For one it may be playing an instrument and for others it is not singing. But for all it, it's back to the basic of prayer. So far we've seen smaller groups of participation. We've heard many reasons as to why some have not come. Ultimately God will direct us regarding this matter. Sacrifice... what do we as Americans know of sacrifice?

Back to the word!

God goes on to tell Solomon. "If I ever shut off the supply of rain from the skies or order the locusts to eat the crops or send a plague on my people, STOP right there. Who might God do these things to? He identifies them as my people. My people, My God-defined people.

I am so glad God uses the word if and not when. If leaves it open to not happening at all and I like most would rather believe for that then try to figure out when, "when" might take place.

And just what do God-defined people look like? God-defined people, respond by humbling themselves, praying, seeking my presence, and turning their backs on their wicked lives,

There's what God says, God-defined people look like.

And He then says this, "I'll be there ready for you:"

So during this time at Onething we must each look at whether we meet the definition of God-defined. How about my humility? What does my prayer time look like? How diligently am I seeking God? Am I turning my back on the things of this world?

Then God says, "I'll be there for you!"

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Temple of Sacrifice

2 Chronicles 7:12-22 I have chosen this place as a temple for sacrifice, a house of worship.

I'm working my way through these verses as I refocusing my attention on being a house of prayer. I am also recalling the place where I was two years a go and what it looks like today.

God has chosen this place and therfore it has His name on it. There is nothing of me in it except for the obedience of being still and knowing God.

A Temple of sacrifice... Onething is the most difficult thing Ann Marie and I have ever been involved in. All the positions we have held, all the businesses we have created and run, all the consulting we have done for others, none have been as difficult as a house of prayer. There have been sacrifices. But those sacrifices have never been the center of conversation or our thoughts. We have never sat down and counted the costs. I find some satisfaction in being able to write that. To me it says that our hearts and minds are being renewed toward God. It says to me that the benefits have far out weighed the sacrifices. We have no regrets, only great expectancey as to what more.... no not more but what else God is going to do that we will be blessed to see.

Far to many come to the center (this is my opinion which is worthless) and complain about what God is doing verses being greatful for the very fact that they are breathing today. I have so often been guilty of devaluing what God has and is doing in my life. There is no need to tell you all of the sacrifices. They are small in comparison to the great blessings.

If I ever feel the need to talk about the sacrifices then I am fully aware that I have lost sight of the Father. I am looking at some other relationship than that of my personal intimate re;ationship with God. I may be looking at my relationshp with finances or my home or any other number of things. You may not think that those are relationships but I would say they are because I believe everything is about relationships.

Sacrifice.... I would give way more and even all if He asked. There is nothing of more value than my personal intimate relationship with this man called Jesus. And I will add I am so greatful that He gave me this gift, my wife to live this out with.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

A House of Sacrifice

2 Chronicals 7:12 God appeared to Solomon that very night and said, "I accept your prayer; yes, I have chosen this place as a temple for sacrifice, a house of worship.

It seems to me to be slightly out of order? Verse 1 through 11 are all about Solomon building the temple. In verse 11 it says, Solomon completed building The Temple of God and the royal palace—the projects he had set his heart on doing. Everything was done—success! Satisfaction!

But.... it's not until verse 12 that God gives his approval? And the wording is peculiar as well. "I accept your prayers." "I have chosen this place."

While I realize that there is great liberty in the Message Bible but I do think that it often times captures the meaning of some words with a clarity that you may not get from another translation. In verse 11 it says that Solomon completed... the projects he had set his heart on doing. Does that mean that there is a place to do projects that I desire to do? Don't I need a word from the Lord? My answer is no and no. Solomon had a deep personal and very intimate relationship with the Lord. And out of a revelation of that relationship came the correct response.

Look at what took place in verses 1 - 3 When Solomon finished praying, a bolt of lightning out of heaven struck the Whole-Burnt-Offering and sacrifices and the Glory of God filled The Temple. Solomon did his part and God did His part. Solomon prayered! God sent a bolt of lightening, struck the Whole Burnt Offering, AND filled the Temple. Talk about abundantly above all we could ask or expect!

God showed up in response to Solomon being a man of prayer. Read the rest of the verse.

The Glory was so dense that the priests couldn't get inGod so filled The Temple that there was no room for the priests! Why did God so fill the Temple? Because Solomon prayed.

When all Israel saw the fire fall from heaven and the Glory of God fill The Temple,
They actually saw.... fire from heaven is spectacular, BUT they SAW the Glory of God.

they fell on their knees, bowed their heads, and worshiped, thanking God: Yes! God is good! His love never quits!

It seems logical to me to conclude then that Solomon basked in the presence of the Lord or shall we say humbled himself in prayer. Thus He built the temple not as his projects, but that it was a response out of the revelation of relationship he experienced with the Lord. That's how God could say several verses later, "I have chosen this place."

That's very simular to what occurred with Onething Prayer Center. Ann Marie and I went to a deeper revelation of God's love for us and sought to be with Him through more prayer and He directed our response to open Onething. We have experienced moments of seeing God's Glory but no where near what Solomon did. Perhaps one day? But I am often reminded that there is no security in what God is doing, only in who He is. Selah! (think on this)

Monday, October 13, 2008

My People Who Are Called...

Recently at the Onething Prayer Center God called us into accountability. There was for a time so much of the usuall ministry "stuff" going on that our focus, our attention had become distracted. While God was still moving it was by His mercy and grace. Don't rush to any conclusion, I understand that we all live by His mercy and grace. But, we do not want to use God's mercy and grace with a sense of entitlement. It was by the leading of God that we have suspended all live music in the worship sessions through the end of October. WE HAVE NOT SUSPENDED THE SESSIONS. WE ARE SIMPLY FOCUSING ON THE PRAYER PORTION OF WHAT HAPPENS AT ONETHING PRAYER CENTER. Maybe the simplest way to say it is that we are fasting our gifts and simply returning to our basic call to pray. We will use IHOP live or specifically recorded session for background music. Everyone is still expected to come to the session at their scheduled time and come in an attitude of prayer. I believe that God is going to stir our hearts during this time. Perhaps to know Him better? The last line of this verse could surely apply to me. For Ed shall return to Me with his whole heart.
It was May of 2006 when I had decided to look closer at prayer. The very first verse God gave me was Jeremiah 24:7. Then I will give them a heart to know Me, that I am the LORD; and they shall be My people, and I will be their God, for they shall return to Me with their whole heart.
I love personalizing the word, so here goes. Then I God, will give Ed a heart to know Me (God), That Ed would know that I (God) am the Lord of Ed's life, for Ed will return to Me (God) with his whole heart.
Shortly after that I made my first visit to IHOP (International House of Prayer) I came back wrecked for anything else other that a life committed to prayer. It was not a call from God to do a house of prayer. I still do not have a call to do a house of prayer even though there is one. What I did have and still have is a call to deeper relationship with Him.
A heart to know ME... that I am the Lord? Doesn't God give everyone a heart to know Him? Yet what about free will? It almost sounds to me like God will force it on these people? Then I must say from another perspective that I don't know any one who would say that they didn't already have a heart to know God and further that they have no doubt that He is Lord. I percieve that the problem is that, what that looks like is personal and intimate for each person so there is nothing that we can look at and make a judgement. The more I type the more complicated it can get. Let's just leave that as the first verse God brought before me.
The next verse God brought to me was 2 Chronicles 7:12-22. But this time He gave me a little more detail as to what it meant and what it would look like. Perhaps the Jeremiah verse was just to tell me that many would come and they're journey's would look different. And maybe that's to tell me not to throw the babies out with the bath water?
2 Chronicles 7:14 - 22 came after we, Onething, had already chosen a place for Onething to exist in. Then the Lord appeared to Solomon by night, and said to him: "I have heard your prayer, and have chosen this place for myself as a house of sacrifice."
Message Version - God appeared to Solomon that very night and said, "I accept your prayer; yes, I have chosen this place as a temple for sacrifice, a house of worship.
You have to love it when God is so clear. While I do not consider myself to be anything like Solomon I did consider this word as a confirmation for us being at this address just as Solomon did.
Everything begins in prayer. Solomon prayed and God answered. What if Solomon had not prayed? Prayer was the invitation for God to enter into the situation. Then you have to love God's reply, "I have chosen this place as a temple for sacrifice, a house of worship. There is so much in His reply. A temple of sacrifice, a house of worship. Is the implication that worship is a or requires sacrifice? Selah (pause and think on this)
Let me close today with some general comments. The purpose of this blog is for any and all to share, bring revelation to the words discussed. It's the moden day version of Acts where they went from house to house. We are going from house to house via the modern technology of a blog. So day by day and word by word we'll look at word. It is our intent to share whatever is sent in response to my initial thoughs so let's use considerate ministry and not cut and past from study guides, concordences, commentaries, etc. I want everyone to also know that it is not my intent to teach this but to share my journey in this and let each of you find through your own journey into it what God would say to you. I have way more questions that I do answers. Further it is not my job to have your answers. It is only my job to stir your heart to go and find your own answers.